Vitalik Buterin သည် ရုရှားနွယ်ဖွါး Canadian Toronto ၌နေထိုင်သူဖြစ်ပြီး အသက် ၁၉ နှစ်မှစ၍ သူ.အိမ်မက်ဖြစ်သည်. Bitcoin အကြောင်းအား 2011 မှစ၍ လူမှုကွန်ယက်၊ မဂ္ဂဇင်းများစွာ ရာချီ ရေးသားကာ cryptocurrency world ကို မိတ်ဆက်ရင်း idea of Ethereum ရရှိခဲ.သည်။

၂၀၁၄ ခုနှစ်တွင် Etherတိုကင်ကို ရောင်းချကာငွေကြေးရန်ပုံငွေလှုပ်ရှားမှုတစ်ခုကိုစတင်ခဲ့သည်။ သူတို့သည် ဒေါ်လာ ၁၈ သန်းခန့် စုဆောင်းခဲ့ပြီး ၂၀၁၅ တွင် Ethereum ပထမဗားရှင်းကို ဖြန့်ချီခဲ.သည်။

ယခုအချိန်မှာ သူ.ပိုင်ဆိုင်မှု  333,348 ether ရှိပြီး , ခန်.မှန်းခြေ approximately $405million ပိုင်ဆိုင်ကြောင်း သတင်း၌ ဖေါ်ပြထားကြောင်း အောက်မှာ ဆက်လက်ဖတ်ရှုနိုင်ပါသည်။

Ethereum's Inventor Vitalik Buterin Leaves Shiba for Cat Memes – Trustnodes

 Vitalik Buterin, a Russian-Canadian entrepreneur and programmer from Toronto, first envisioned Ethereum when he was 19-years-old.

In 2011, the year Buterin first grew interested in Bitcoin, Buterin co-founded the online news website Bitcoin Magazine, writing hundreds of articles on the cryptocurrency world. He went on to code for the privacy-minded Dark Wallet and the marketplace Egora.

Along this journey, he came up with the idea of Ethereum, a platform inspired by Bitcoin, but that could go beyond the financial use cases.

He released a white paper in 2013 describing an alternative platform that would allow developers to create their own decentralized applications using a built-in programming language. Many developers were drawn to this idea because these new applications would be accessible to a global audience, highly secure, and much faster to build because there are no intermediary services to integrate.

To accomplish this, Ethereum makes it easy to create smart contracts, code that automatically creates an outcome when certain conditions are met. For his work, Buterin was also named a 2014 Thiel fellow, winning a $100,000 grant to work on Ethereum.

Who helped Buterin create Ethereum?
After Buterin unveiled the Ethereum white paper, several other developers joined the ranks including CEO of IOG Charles Hoskinson, Decentral CEO Anthony Di Iorio and Akasha Founder Mihai Alisie. Buterin also introduced two new members to the team:

    Co-founder Dr. Gavin Wood did much of the early programming and architecting of the platform. He wrote the Ethereum yellow paper, the “technical bible” that outlines the specification for the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which is responsible for handling the state of the ledger and runs smart contracts.
 Co-founder Joseph Lubin went on to found the Brooklyn-based ConsenSys, a startup that focuses on building decentralized apps.

How much money does Buterin have?
Since Ethereum data and transaction information is public, users can track how much money Buterin has stored in ether, Ethereum's native token.

Buterin's main address is this one, which shows that he owns 333,348 ether, worth approximately $405million at the time this article was published.( Ref:


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